Most of the resources where Compline or Night Prayer may be found are also sources for praying the Divine Hours. Printed resources for Compline or Night Prayer only have a comment to that effect, and those with an asterisk (*) contain musical notation for chanting.
For those interested specifically in praying Morning and Evening Prayer, an excellent guide to printed resources, with commentary, is found in Paul Boers, The Rhythm of God’s Grace (Brewster, MA: Paraclete Press, 2003). It includes some sources for Compline not listed below.
Online Websites for Praying Compline / Night Prayer
Anglican Church
A Gateway to online versions of the Book of Common Prayer for various countries of the worldwide Anglican Communion.
Church of England, Common Worship. Menu on left will link to Night Prayer in contemporary or traditional language.
Coptic Orthodox Church
Links to an online Book of Hours for the Coptic Orthodox Church.
Orthodox Church
Small Compline and Great Compline from the Byzantine Rite.
Roman Catholic Church – Liturgy of the Hours (1974)
Online Liturgy of the Hours, for today’s date as well as the day before and after.
Gives the Liturgy of the Hours, as well as Readings for Mass, for today’s date as well as the day before and the week ahead. The Psalms are not the Grail versions for copyright reasons.
Viewable files in Adobe PDF format of the Liturgy of the Hours for various options (daily, weekly, monthly), based on free or subscription viewing.
Roman Catholic Church – Officium Divinum (pre-1970)
A free website for the Officium Divinum. Under “Ordo,” one may use three different versions: 1570, Divino Afflatu (Pius X breviary), and 1960.
Access to the Officium Divinum with a subscription donation. Site may also be accessed from
Printed Resources for Praying Compline / Night Prayer
Anglican Church
*Compline: An Order for Night Prayer in Traditional Language. Royal School of Church Music for the Plainsong and Medieval Music Society, 2005. This is the version of Compline sung in Seattle from the original publication of 1949. The new version is based on the Common Worship version of Night Prayer in traditional language (2000) with the same music as the 1949 publication.
The Book of Common Prayer. New York: Church Hymnal Corporation and Seabury Press, 1979.
The Prayer Book Office. New York: The Church Hymnal Corporation, 1994.
Hour by Hour. Cincinnati: Forward Movement Publications, 2003.
An Order for Compline. Cincinnati: Forward Movement Publications, 2003. Compline only.
A New Zealand Prayer Book: He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa. London/Auckland: Collins, 1989, San Francisco: Harper, 1997.
Night Prayer (Compline) and Night Prayer (Compline) in Traditional Language. London: Church House Publishing, 2000. Compline only. These are the official publications from Common Worship: Services and Prayers for the Church of England.
The Anglican Breviary. Frank Gavin Liturgical Foundation, 1955, reprinted 1998. A complete English translation of the Roman Breviary before Vatican II.
Lutheran Church
Lutheran Book of Worship. Minneapolis and Philadelphia: Augsburg Publishing House and Board of Publication, Lutheran Church in America, 1978.
Evangelical Lutheran Worship. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2006.
For All the Saints: Prayer Book For and By the Church. Delhi, NY: American Lutheran Publicity Bureau, 1996.
Coptic Orthodox Church
The Agpeya: The Book of Hours in the Coptic Rite. Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Los Angeles, Southern California, and Hawaii, 2010. Kindle Edition
Orthodox Church
Holy Transfiguration Monastery, trans. A Prayer Book for Orthodox Christians. Haverhill, MA: The Holy Transfiguration Monastery, 2005. Includes Small Compline.
Book of Common Worship. Louisville: Westminster / John Knox, 1993. Section “Daily Prayer.”
Roman Catholic Church – Liturgy of the Hours (1974)
*The Office of Compline:In Latin and English. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2010. Compline only. From the St. Louis Antiphonary of the Hours.
The Liturgy of the Hours.New York: Catholic Book Publishing Company, 1975.
A four-volume set containing all seven offices.
Christian Prayer: The Liturgy of the Hours. New York: Catholic Book Publishing Company, 1976. A single volume condensation containing Morning, Evening, and Night Prayer, and a selection from the other offices.
Shorter Christian Prayer. New York: Catholic Book Publishing Company, 1998. The basic four-week cycle of prayer only, but ideal for traveling.
Nugent, Madeline Pecora. The Divine Office for Dodos (*Devout, Obedient Disciples of Our Savior). New Jersey:Catholic Book Publishing Corp., 2008. A complete how-to-use guide for the Liturgy of the Hours, with principles that could be applied to any breviary.
Roman Catholic Church – Officium Divinum (pre-1970)
*Ad Completorium: The Rite of Compline for Every Day of the Liturgical Year According to the Roman Breviary of 1960. London: The Saint Austin Press, 2000. Compline only, with chant.
*Both the Antiphonale Romanum (1912) and the Liber Usualis (1961) are among the vast number of resources that can be downloaded from the site Musica Sacra: The Church Music Association of America, at
United Methodist Church
The Book of Offices and Services. Akron, OH: Order of Saint Luke, 1994.
General Collections Containing Compline / Night Prayer
Adam, David. The Rhythm of Life: Celtic Daily Prayer. Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse, 1996.
Benson, Robert. Venite: A Book of Daily Prayer. New York: Tarcher/Putnam, 2000. A book of daily prayer is also included in the collection Daily Prayer: A Simple Plan for Learning to Say the Daily Prayer of the Church. Raleigh, NC: Carolina Broadcasting & Publishing, 2006. Includes CD and DVD.
Carmelites of Indianapolis. People’s Companion to the Breviary. Two Volumes. Indianapolis: Carmelites of Indianapolis, 1997.
Community of Jesus. The Little Book of Hours: Praying with the Community of Jesus. Brewster, MA: Paraclete Press, 2007.
Cotter, Jim. Prayer at Night’s Approaching. Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse Publishing, 1983, 1991, 1997.
Glenstal Abbey. The Glenstal Book of Prayer: A Benedictine Prayer Book. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2001.
Hamilton, Lisa Belcher. For Those We Love But See No Longer: Daily Offices for Times of Grief. Brewster, MA: Paraclete Press, 2001.
Northumbria Community. Celtic Daily Prayer: Prayers and Readings from the Northumbria Community. New York: HarperCollins, 2002. Contains Celtic Daily Prayer (1994) and Celtic Night Prayer (1996).
Society of St. Francis. Celebrating Common Prayer. New York: Mowbray, 1992.
Storey, William G. An Everyday Book of Hours. Chicago: Liturgical Training Publications, 2001.
Sutera, Judith, ed. Work of God. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1997.
Tickle, Phyllis A. The Divine Hours. Three volumes: Prayers for Summertime, Prayers for Autumn and Winter, and Prayers for Spring. New York: Doubleday, 2000, 2001.
Webber, Robert, ed. The Prymer: The Prayer Book of the Medieval Era Adapted for Contemporary Use. Brewster, MA: Paraclete Press, 2000.
Wiederkehr, Macrina. Seven Sacred Pauses: Living Mindfully Through the Hours of the Day. Notre Dame, IN: Sorin Books, 2008. Companion CD: Frye, Velma. Seven Sacred Pauses: Singing Mindfully Dawn Through Dark. Velma Frye Music, 2007.
Books About the Divine Hours, Chant, and Monastic Spirituality
Benson, Robert. In Constant Prayer. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2008.
Boers, Paul. The Rhythm of God’s Grace. Brewster, MA: Paraclete Press, 2003.
Bourgeault, Cynthia. Chanting the Psalms: A Practical Guide with Instructional CD. Boston: New Seeds Books, 2006.
Community of Jesus. The Song of Prayer: A Practical Guide to Learning Gregorian Chant. Brewster, MA: Paraclete Press, 2010.
McKnight, Scot. Praying with the Church: Following Jesus Daily, Hourly, Today. Brewster, MA: Paraclete Press, 2006.
Norris, Kathleen. The Cloister Walk. New York: Riverhead Books, 1996.
Steindl-Rast, David, and Lebell, Sharon. Music of Silence: A Sacred Journey Through the Hours of the Day. Foreword by Kathleen Norris. Berkeley, CA: Seastone, 1998.
Wiederkehr, Macrina. Seven Sacred Pauses: Living Mindfully Through the Hours of the Day. Notre Dame, IN: Sorin Books, 2008.
Good for you Moneybags! I love the Divine Office and as a secular Carmelite in fooratimn, must pray Lauds, Vespers, and Compline each day. I’ve been at it for a year now and I can tell you that after some time it is amazing how the lightbulb will go on while you are reading the psalms and scripture so many times. You may want to check out While it is now unfortunately a subscription service, I enjoy having it on my PDA. Many meetings I attend at work have significant content which does not relate to my area. I use this time to do the Office of Readings, which is not required, but comes in the downloadable format. You are very right to be stepping back from blogging to do this. Nothing should be more important than developing a solid, disciplined prayer routine. I must also engage in 30 minutes of mental prayer daily, and the rosary. I found that I was only getting my prayers in sporadic, then recognized that part of the problem was not putting them first. I always seemed to be finding something else that should be done, instead of just doing my prayers and trusting God to help me get those things done regardless. Things went together well when I followed a disciplined routine. But, if I don’t mortify my apetite to do something else at the moment, I fall and miss the prayer. I found many culprits in my life when I would miss Lauds (hit the alarm too many times), or Vespers (spent too much time on the computer until it was too late, rather than do it first then compute). I decided to get to bed earlier so I could get up earlier, in time to catch a 6:00am Mass, which runs half an hour. At 6:30 I try to get in 15-20 minutes of my mental prayer, Lauds, and some misc prayers. Then I head off to work. I often say my rosary in the morning while on my way to Mass, and finish it on my way to work from Mass, if I don’t get it done. Somewhere a routine develops and you get use to it. But the best thing anyone can do who tries to develop a prayer life, is to ask what could have been sacrificed for a given prayer to not have been “sacrificed”. God Bless and prayers